How We Look Is Unimportant, It's Who We Are Inside That Counts!

8:22 AM

 I just want to make this one short, so, let me explain this with Lust and Love as example.

Lust is only about the look. Sure… it’s about look, but remember look doesn’t last long, and the look is what attracts every person. But as you get to know someone, look doesn’t seem to work anymore. Looks are superficial. To like a person based on their physical appearance is shallow. Looks don't last, time-wise and depth-wise. Looks don't show who a person is and what they are like. Would you marry a person based on purely the fact that they are good-looking? No, you wouldn't.

Love is about personality. Yes, it’s what I think is the most important thing. You marry a person based on how you like their personality, how you get along, how you love them and want to spend your life with them. Right?

You know the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover.' Well, most people know that's kind of hard to do. Literally speaking, if you are into teen romance novels only, for instance, and you see a book that has a picture of a superhero on the front, you probably won't read that book. But what if you did pick up that book and read it, and turns out it's not really about superheroes at all? Or, it is about superheroes, but you actually like it? See, that's how it is when you judge a person by their looks. You're not seeing the whole person. You're not seeing nearly anything about the person. You may not even be seeing anything at all about what the person is even actually like. Maybe you think all people who dress in black with tattoos and some piercings are emo or Goth and are into heavy metal and are freaks. Well, that kind of style is just that: a STYLE. It doesn't necessarily say anything about the person's personality. Or maybe you meet this blond girl who is a cheerleader and is very peppy and happy. You might think she's dumb, or snobby, or self-centered, or popular. Truth is, she may not be ANY one of those things you might be thinking she is. Stereotypes aren't fair. One glance and you label a person? Not very just, am I right?

I used to attend an event, saw a lot of girls there. Yes I said it. A lot of girls dress so sexy, but when we all talk, they talked politely! But still sometimes, when you see the some crack heads, you need to back off right away. I meant for your own safety. :D

So, I guess it’s okay to say how the freezer looks is not so important, but what it has inside. Oh wait… How We Look Is Unimportant, It's Who We Are Inside That Counts!

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